Friday, October 21, 2011


Today I heard a very inspirational talk given by retired Maj. Gen. Jeffery Hammond. Gen. Hammond was in charge of the Baghdad operations during the surge of operation Iraqi freedom. I can tell you there are no cobwebs in my tear ducts now, having been cleaned out thoroughly during his hour and a half talk. There's something very mysterious about patriotism and how it can affect us on the deepest level. I think the same level is the level of commitment that Christ calls us to. Gen. Hammond has given his life to a greater calling. And he has answered that call. I thank him on behalf of myself, my wife, and my two beautiful children. Because of men of excellence like Gen. Hammond, we have lived in freedom and peace. There is much danger and evil in the world. Today I know that Gen. Hammond knows firsthand the perils of freedom we have. I know that Jesus has called us to nonviolence, and I live into that nonviolence every day. Every day I fall short. Mostly it's a mental exercise.

But I am not so naïve to think that there hasn't been killing on my behalf. And that my enjoyment of American freedom has been my consent of that violence. Because I have two beautiful daughters and a beautiful wife, I do not have the luxury to pretend that I would not use violence if necessary to defend them. Having heard Gen. Hammond speak, I am sure he is no more fond of violence than I am, and knows more about its consequences than I do.

He told us today of a man named Mark Rosenberg. Mark was a major in the Army, and in the darkest hour after the assault on Sadr city, it was Mark who had a spark, and inspiration, an idea of how to defeat the insurgents. His idea succeeded but Mark was killed by an IED on his way out of Sadr city. Gen. Hammond believes that Mark's actions led directly to the successful outcome in Iraq. There is very great irony that freedom in a Muslim country may happen because a Jewish man, Mark Rosenberg, had the inspiration to come up with a plan, and ultimately lay down his life. I also reflect upon the fact, that about 2000 years ago, a Jewish man lay down his life so that we all might be free. Maybe today is a good day to reflect upon what we owe the Jewish people for all they have given to us. Not only Jesus, Mary, Peter, Paul, and so many in our spiritual heritage, but Mark Rosenberg.

So today I give thanks to the great warriors who war on my behalf. Let us pursue peace always and everywhere and love our brothers as we love ourselves.

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